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Five steps to a  killer presentation

I will guide you through 5 building blocks that together will create a presentation that really generates impact


Jacques Prévert was a poor French Poet. One day he sees a blind beggar with a sign, “Blind. Please help.” Curious to help, but poor himself, he offers to rewrite the sign: “Spring is coming. But I won’t see it.” This simple change transforms the fortunes of the beggar. The power of a story is that it makes people care.

The power of a good story

Make them care

It’s well known that humans respond to emotion far more than they do to reason. 

By leveraging the power of storytelling it’s possible to build a presentation that really sparks. 

Participants will learn:

  • How to structure a presentation leveraging the power of storytelling

  • Which psychological buttons to press in order to achieve emotional response

  • How to connect with an audience by creating empathy

  • Keep the audience on the edge of their seats by generating tension in your story

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