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Are your presentations boring?

(or do you suspect they might be?)

Your journey towards a better way of communicating begins today. Whether you're a corporate executive, an HR Director, or a private individual, book one of the services offered by Nicolas J Randall today and experience immediate results.

About Nicolas J Randall

Inspired Presenting


Making the first step towards change is often the hardest thing to do. Enter Nicolas, an experienced presenting professional. By providing clients with the right tools and knowledge, Nicolas has helped clients unleash their potential, paving the way towards both personal and professional success. Discover what I can do for you today.


You'll never present the same way again

I offer several programs for clients from all industries and backgrounds. I offer these programs primarily as in-company training sessions.

Take a look at my offerings below to learn more.

Prices quoted are total, not person, and exclusive of VAT.

All courses are offered in English or Spanish.

(If you are an individual looking for a course, contact me directly to learn dates of upcoming events)

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Duration 75 min | Audience Up to 200 | Price €750

An engaging and fascinating introductory talk that will serve to inspire whilst providing core insights and main points of the course. This session will dispel commonly held conceptions about public speaking and presenting.

Short Course

Duration 4 hours | Audience 10-30 | Price €2,000

The short course will cover all material related to public speaking and storytelling but dedicate less time to developing effective visuals and graphics. It also will provide limited opportunity for practical exercises and practice. The sessions can be held in blocks of 2 or 4 hours i.e. 2 x 2 hours or 1 x 4 hours.

Full Course

Duration 8 hours | Audience 10-30 | Price €3,500

The full course will cover all material and allows for more time for practical exercises and practice. The sessions can be held in blocks of 2 or 4 hours i.e. 2 x 4 hours or 4 x 2 hours.

Past Client Experiences


When I think about Nicolas, “inspiration” is the word that comes to mind. Nicolas was my teacher for two different courses during my Master Degree at IE Business School. I was impressed with his great presentation skills and ability to convey a message in an authentic, and powerful way. His amazing eye for detail make him not only a great storyteller verbally, but also visually. For this reason, I happily recommend Nicolas as a teacher for any topic related to storytelling and visual communication.

Vianne van Wees


Nicolas’s storytelling workshop is a superb experience. He not only tells you how to do it, but shows you - illustrating from his own experiences. I have learned a lot of useful strategies and had a lot of fun simultaneously. From now on, my flat pitches and boring power points will shine like the skies on top of Kilimanjaro 😊 (Internal joke) - Thanks a lot Nicolas!

Carlos Cendrá Falcón


I had a great experience at one of Nicolas's courses that he also gives at IE in which he combined design thinking and stroytelling - and I'll be repeating! It's always a pleasure to be able to recommend services given by a really committed and knowledgeable professional. 

Estela Baz


Nicolas is an exceptional photographer and publisher. What impresses me the most and what clearly shows through in the finished work, is the amount of time and research Nicolas does for a project. He takes the time to understand the history, culture and spirit of the places, themes and people that he is photographing - and the result is more than a visually impressive photograph - it is an experience that immerses the reader in the spirit of the subject.

Katherine Nester

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Interested in working with me?

Madrid, Spain

+34 6767 03519

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